Early 20th Century Art



Alfred Schroff

1915 Forest Interior oil

Nowland Brittin Zane
Mountain Landscape oil.  Zane was a professor of art at the University of Oregon. 16x20

Clyde Leon Keller
Oil,  "September Afternoon on the Clackamas" circa 1930  12x16

John Trullinger
Pastel  "Old French Mill" circa 1910  14x15.5

Lee Dougan
Oil,  Winter in the Mountains 1918, 16x12,  Dougan was an early Museum Art School student who became one of Portland's early prominent architects.

Conrad Pedersen
Oil,  Mt Hood and Farmlands,  13x16 

Conrad Pedersen
A 1920s post impressionist oil by Pedersen, who was CC McKim's closest student and painting partner. Broadly painted in an unusual palette, this painting is reminiscent of the work of the Society of Six in California. 18 x 16 inches. Price on request.

Errol Proctor

Bright, colorful and exceptionally well-painted oil by this charter member of Portland Attic Sketch Club. This oil descended through the family of the Franz Bakery in Portland

Fred Strickland


A very early impressionist painting dated 1917 and titled Sketch at Fulton by Strickland. Strickland was the recent subject of an exhibition and catalog covering his World War I sketches done while he was a member of the Canadian Army. This oil measures 14 x 10 inches. Price on request.

Karl Feurer


A 1920s impressionist oil by Portland native Feurer entitled Willows near Kent measuring 14 x 22 inches. Feurer was a highly skilled, European trained artist and the son of Louis Feurer, who owned the Gambrinus Brewery in Portland. Price on request.

Percy Manser


A sun-drenched oil entitled Quiet Summer Day and measuring 22 x 28 inches. Price on request.